Christine Switzer

Vice President,
Philanthropic Strategies, Fidelity Charitable
Christine Switzer is vice president of philanthropic strategies for the Private Donor Group at Fidelity Charitable, where she is responsible for providing philanthropic guidance to a portfolio of high net worth philanthropists by developing solutions and strategies to maximize their philanthropic goals.
Christine has over 20 years of experience in the philanthropic and non-profit sectors and in innovative grantmaking and programs. Previously, she served as philanthropic advisor to the Faraway Foundation and It’s Time Network. Before that, she served as a development director at the Global Fund for Women and the International Museum of Women, director of corporate and foundation relations at the University of California (UC), Berkeley Law School, director of UC Berkeley Extension’s International Programs and Business & Technology programs, director of alumni relations at the University of Virginia’s School of Business and as a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank’s Multilateral Investment Fund. She was also a management consultant at Accenture in Washington D.C., France and the Netherlands, and worked for the U.S. Embassy in Paris and Madrid.
She guides individuals and families through their philanthropic journeys and helps them align
their personal and family values with their philanthropic priorities. She enjoys helping donors
create meaningful, strategic and impactful philanthropic plans, and connecting donors who share similar goals. She has experience in the following areas: education, human rights, gender issues, arts and culture, entrepreneurship, health, environmental issues and impact investing. Christine is a graduate of the University of Virginia and has a Master’s Degree from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, where she studied international development and education with a focus on gender equity. She also studied at the Sorbonne and at the Institut de Sciences Politiques in Paris.
Christine is half-Mexican and is fluent in Spanish and French, and proficient in Italian and Portuguese. She is passionate about social change and inclusive philanthropy, gender equity, economic empowerment, impact investing, providing opportunities for the Latino community, and helping donors achieve their philanthropic goals.