Project M Updates
An initiative through which we aim to strengthen collaboration and coordination among HIP’s partner organizations, kicked off by the Migration and Forced Displacement Program.

STAGE 1: Discovering needs
We launched this project by surveying our partner organizations’ about their challenges and opportunities, in order to be able to focus on what you consider significant and necessary.
Resources created during this stage:
- HIP partners’ opportunities and challenges
- Webinar “Virtual tools for collaboration”
- Webinar: “Agreements, the beginning of collaboration”
- Webinar: “How to generate new sources of income at NGOs?”
- $O$: A podcast on financing in Latin American SCOs – Listen to the podcast on Spotify or SoundCloud.
STAGE 2: Human Rights Summit online
For three days, we held a virtual space to exchange, connect experiences, and strengthen the network of organizations in HIP’s Migration and Forced Displacement Program. Together, we built 30 spaces—talks, plenary sessions, and discussion groups—with the participation of 76 specialists and almost 250 representatives of the organizations in our network.
Resources created during this stage:
- See the recordings of the talks here.
- Central American Migration Flow interactive map.
- Venezuela Migration Flow interactive map.
STAGE 3: Community M
We held the first of three convenings launching our community space. These convenings are additional online spaces for discovery, connection, and exchange where you play the leading role and where we will continue to strengthen the community of our partner organizations.
STAGE 3 – Ongoing: Community M
We will send out an invitation to future convenings of Community M which will open up to include partner organizations from HIP’s other programs so you can continue leading and strengthening the community.
STAGE 4 – August: Roads leading to strengthening
We will launch a new platform, Knowledge Path, that will grant partner organizations access to interactive content on digital transformation, sustainability, and organizational adaptability. The platform will be complemented by tailored online training programs.
We hope that the journey with Project M is valuable to you, and that you lead the proposals in the coming months.
Keep on strengthening our network!