Puerto Rico Earthquake Support
Puerto Rico has declared a state of emergency after a series of earthquakes have impacted the island. We are collaborating with partners and organizations on the ground including Filantropía Puerto Rico, Banco Popular Foundation, Boys and Girls Club of PR, Para la Naturaleza, Centro Sol Isolina Ferré, Utopia Ponce, Amerihealth Caritas, Fundación Colibrí Puerto Rico, Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico, World Central Kitchen, Utopia Ponce, Amerihealth Caritas, Apoyo Mutuo Mariana, Clinton Foundation, and Hispanic Federation to help those most in need. We’ll be updating with resources and information as it comes in. To continue to support these community partners and help them grow their services to a community in need, Hispanics in Philanthropy is developing a fundraising campaign that will equally distribute the funds to groups on the ground. This effort has not gone unnoticed and we would like to thank the Roy and Patricia Disney Family Foundation for their generous $35,000 grant to help supplement the $15,000 we are raising. MAKE A DONATION HERE. Please help us by sharing the information below.Important Information / Información Importante
¿No tienes título formal? Aún tienes derecho a asistencia de FEMA. Lee, edúcate y comparte: https://www.
ayudalegalpuertorico.org/2020/ 01/16/sin-titulo-formal- tienes-derecho-a-solicitar- asistencia-de-fema/ - Guía para familias después de un terremoto (recurso de Sesame Street).
- Guía para Familias y Negocios para la Preparación por el Peligro de un Terremoto.
- Family and Business Earthquake Hazard Preparedness Guide.
- For a list of shelters and other important information from local officials, visit www.manejodeemergencias.
pr.gov or call the Puerto Rico Emergency Management and Disaster Administration Bureau at 787-724-0124 to find your nearest shelter. - Additional earthquake safety and preparedness information is available at Ready.gov and Listo.gov.
- Food distribution centers / centros de distribución de comida – revise el mapa de World Central Kitchen para detalles sobre lugares y servicios.
Taller sobre como manejar el estrés emocional

Mental Health Volunteers / Voluntarios Salud Mental
Durante las próximas tres semanas International Medical Corps se instalará en el sur (Ponce) donde estará aceptando voluntarios para ser entrenados y que acompañen en el esfuerzo que se extiende a distintos pueblos del sur. Para más información pueden contactar a Coralys Guzmán al (787) 688-1191 International Medical Corps will be in Ponce for the next 3 weeks. The organization will be providing mental health services and goods to different municipalities in the south. IMC is recruiting volunteers to help in this effort (volunteers will be trained). If interested please contact Coralys Guzmán at (787) 688-1191Map of Camps / Mapa de Campamentos y Refugios
En este mapa encontrarán campamentos y refugios, lugares con alimentos y suministros y lugares con servicios medicos para la atención de personas afectadas por los terremotos en el suroeste. This map shows the location of makeshift camps, places with food & supplies, and places with medical services available to those affected by the earthquakes in the south-west region. Lista de refugios:
Food Distribution Sites / Distribución de alimentos (World Central Kitchen):
Lunch and dinner will be served; sirviendo almuerzo y cena. Más información aquí- Yauco, Estadio Municipal de Yauco, Yauco, 00698, Puerto Rico: https://goo.gl/maps/VYhBqTwhze76gGR37
- Guanica, Coliseo Mariano “Tito” Rodríguez, Guanica, Guánica 00653, Puerto Rico: https://goo.gl/maps/UAAqv8Wqymx3BY4G7
- Guayanilla, Escuela Gloria Borrero (Segunda Unidad Macana), PR-132, Guayanilla 00656, Puerto Rico: https://goo.gl/maps/2rhLmM2ttshCQ6Jy5 *Volunteers needed, please join to help distribute food.
Pacientes de Diálisis / Dyalisis Patients

Home Inspections / Inspección de Propiedad
If you or someone you know needs their home or property inspected, please fill out the form here. A group of engineers will be traveling to Puerto Rico next week and providing inspections free of charge. Si saben de alguien que necesite inspección de su propiedad, especialmente en el sur, que llenen el formulario aquí en la medida que puedan. Un corillo de ingenieros de la diáspora van a viajar la semana que viene a hacer inspecciones gratis.Evacuation Maps
Evacuation maps for the different areas can be found here: http://redsismica.uprm.edu/English/tsunami/tsunamiprogram/prc/maps/all.phpBridge & Road Closures
These are the roads & bridges closed as of 1/9/2020. Today’s (1/10) aftershocks may affect the status of open roads so be cautious. AS OF JAN 11:- The Caguas / Gurabo bridge on PR-30 is closed due to fear of collapse after yesterday’s aftershocks
- The bridge in Yauco on 127 is closed / Puente dentro de Yauco en la 127 está cerrado.
- Entrance to Guanica on highway 116 closed / Entrada a Guanica por carretera 116 cerrada.

Información Sobre Esfuerzos de ConnectRelief
Nuestra Escuela Centro de Acopio 1/10-11/2020
Calle Betances #73, Caguas 8am-5pm
Agua, carpas, toallas, artículos de higiene personal, ropa de cama y artículos no perecederos.
Tito Auger coordina recogido de donativos para Guánica en el Hogar del Buen Pastor, Inc. 250 Ave. Ponce de León, San Juan
Agua, meriendas no perecederas, toallas sanitarias, pañales de adultos y niños, leche UHT, comida de bebé, toallas desechables, lámparas, vasos plásticos con tapas, cucharas, servilletas hand sanitizer y neveras para hielo.
Ayuda para el Bo. Tamarindo de Ponce,
Centro San Francisco De Asis Calle Tamal #105, Ponce
Artículos de primera necesidad, comida enlatada, linternas, baterías, artículos de higiene personal, agua, jugos Capri Sun, radio portátiles, entre otros.
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico – MACPR Centro de Acopio 9am-5pm lunes a viernes y 12-5pm sábado y domingo
Carpas, casetas de campaña, ropa de cama, lámparas solares, baños y duchas portátiles, materiales de arte para niños y jóvenes y juguetes.
ASI Alimentación Segura Infantil brigadas para:
- apoyar con la lactancia y relactancia
- educar a las familias que alimentan con otras leches sobre el manejo más seguro
- enseñar potibilización de agua y desinfección de biberones cuando es posible o alimentación con vaso cuando no es posible desinfectar. Distribuir vasos.
- distribuir kits de emergencia que no incluyen biberones o fórmula
- dar talleres para las comunidades afectadas y respondedores sobre la alimentación infantil segura en emergencias
Shelters & Tent Pickup / Informe de Centros de Acopio y Toldos para Acampar

Small Business Support / Apoyo a Empresarios y Startups
El Nodo Ponce llevara a cabo una reunión el lunes 13 de enero de 2020 a la 1:00pm en las facilidades de la Fundación Biblioteca Rafael Hernández Colón para auscultar las necesidades que tengan y asi poder coordinar con las organizaciones más aptas para proveer las ayudas necesarias. Colmena66 is leading a a needs assessment to help support organizations to better align and deploy their resources. The information will be shared exclusively with entrepreneurship support organizations. Affected entrepreneurs can fill out this form: www.LevantatuNegocioPR.com Additional resources here: https://www.colmena66.com/es/levanta-tu-negocio-prStay Informed
Latest story from NBC. Si se va la luz pueden ver TV en vivo por aquí bajo los siguientes links / You can watch live TV via the following links:- http://www.wipr.pr/tv/envivo/ (canal 6 WIPR)
- https://www.wapa.tv/envivo (canal 4 Wapa)
- http://www.telemundopr.com/noticias/Sigue-la-trayectoria-de-Irma-en-nuestro-radar-442705973.html (canal 2 Telemundo PR).
- http://elcirco.lamusica.com (El Circo de la Mega Mega TV)
- http://elcirco.lamusica.com/envivo/ (El Circo de la Mega en vivo).
- https://tunein.com/radio/local/
- http://www.univision.com/puerto-rico/wkaq-am (WKAQ580am)
- https://tunein.com/radio/Noti-Uno-630-s2337/ (Noti-Uno 630am)
- https://tunein.com/radio/WIPR-940-s47294/ (WIPR 940am)
- https://tunein.com/radio/WAPA-680-s27146/ (WAPA Radio 680am)
- https://tunein.com/radio/Radio-Isla-1320-s22835/ (Radio Isla 1320am)
- https://tunein.com/radio/Magic-973-s43758/ (Magic 97.3fm)
- https://tunein.com/radio/Fresh-999-s29624/ (Fresh 99.9fm)
- https://tunein.com/radio/La-X-1007-s24108/ (LaX 100.7fm)
- https://tunein.com/radio/HOT-102-1025-s29490/ (Hot 102 102.5fm)
- https://tunein.com/radio/La-Mega-1069-s30956/ (La Mega 106.9fm)
Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico is focusing on immediate relief, psycho-emotional support, and the organizing of Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT). FCPR is relying on community-based organizations as philanthropic partners. These are on-the ground organizations that understand their communities’ needs. They are supporting organizations that can provide psychological support for adults, psychological support for kids—including entertainment and immediate supplies—and Community Emergency Response Team. Looking at the mid-range future, the goal is to strengthen community aqueducts infrastructures in the region to provide access to clean and drinkable water.
The Puerto Rico Community Recovery Fund has been reactivated to support affected communities. FCPR’s Board has approved $300,000 to be set aside in support of this strategic intervention plus their network of US community foundations has raised an additional $100,000.
The Hispanic Federation is providing water and solar lamps to World Central Kitchen food distribution sites, personal hygiene products to shelters and non- profits, and solar lamps to communities without power. The Federation is also providing a limited number of generators for extreme need cases only (eg: for use with life-saving medical devices for those unable to be relocated).
Finally, the Federation’s mental health initiative with UPR, Proyecto PATRIA, is also coordinating to offer services across the island. Please visit: www.hispanicfederationunidos.org for more information.